Narrator and essayist, Belén Gache has published several novels and was a finalist at the Herralde Novel Award (Barcelona) and the Premio Planeta in Argentina. She has written numerous essays, most notably Escrituras nómades (Gijón, Trea). She has been experimenting with different writing styles since the mid-90s, like net-poetry, video poems, sound installations and fiction blogs.
Her works have garnered accolades at events such as Post Cagean Interactive Sounds (Japan) and the ICI Award for experimental video and multimedia (Buenos Aires), and have been exhibited at Hypertext 01 (Denmark), FILE (Brazil), the End of the World Biennale (Ushuaia, Argentina), the Médira Biennale (Mexico), ARCO (Madrid) and the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires.
She received her bachelor's degree in Art History and her Master's in Discourse Analysis from the University of Buenos Aires. She lives in Madrid.
El vídeo documenta una acción en la que podemos ver al avatar de Gache recorriendo distintas ubicaciones en Second Life, sin levantar sus ojos del libro ...
Belén Gache
En el período barroco, el equilibrado mundo clásico deja lugar a un mundo inestable, descentrado, escondido tras el abigarramiento de los signos. El G&oa...
Belén Gache
En una era en que la política se ha convertido en un mero juego de escuchar y repetir mecánicamente consignas sin contenido, este conjunto de poesí...
Belén Gache
Wordtoys proposes a reading exercise as a task in deciphering that doubles as a narrative toy. It gathers together a series of works on hypertext, e-poetry, and audiov...
Belén Gache