:// work in NETescopio:

Aplicaci贸n para Facebook
Les Liens Invisibles

[ original link ]
[ link in NETescopio]

In the era of social networks, being disconnected is like being dead. This work by Les Liens Invisibles highlights this concept by developing an application for Facebook called Seppukoo, which, parodying the Japanese Samurai tradition, allows us to commit virtual suicide.
The creators of the work focus on series of benefits that we may obtain by using their application and keeping ourselves offline. For example, we will stop subtracting virtual hours from our real life, and, in this way, stop working for corporations, providing them with information that enables them to flood us with offers of products of questionable relevance to our interests.
However, we can also use it -and this is how it was generally used- for more devious purposes, such as being witnesses to our own funerals and seeing the repercussions of our deaths on our circle of "friends".
What is there beyond a virtual identity? Is there life after death? We can dodge these questions because one does not need to have supernatural powers to return from a virtual death on Facebook. By typing in our username and password we will come back from the dead after the next login.



Concept and curatorship: Gustavo Romano
[ netescopio @ gmail.com ]
A project by MEIAC
Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo
