:// work in NETescopio:

Performance, software art
Philipp W. Teister
Kim Asendorf

[ original link ]
[ link in NETescopio]

The word cookie, with the meaning given to it in computing, could be understood as a lure or bait, something innocent or friendly, a gift, but in reality what it is all about is placing a tracker in our computer, with which our future movements can be detected.
This work uses the cookie with no other purpose than to carry out an unfettered intrusion. It aims to highlight that intrusion and thus was completed by a physical action in Kassel, at the entrance to the Kunsthalle Fridericianum, which consisted of "placing a cookie, undetected, in someone else's pocket". To literally take what is an everyday situation in the virtual world to the real world entails rethinking our limits regarding privacy: the violence of someone putting a hand in our pockets seems greater than the interference in the memory cache of our computer.



Concept and curatorship: Gustavo Romano
[ netescopio @ gmail.com ]
A project by MEIAC
Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo
