:// work in NETescopio:

The Next Coin
Cryptocurrency generator
Martí­n Nadal

[ original link ]
[ link in NETescopio]

The Next Coin is constantly creating new cryptocurrencies. In the installation format, if the viewer presses a button, they will become the owner of that new coin, receiving a receipt with information that will allow them to manage their capital through a web page. Each crypto coin is fully functional, based on ERC-20 tokens, the Ethereum blockchain standard.

The Next Coin explores the cryptocurrency fever and proposes a reflection on the true value of money and how it is generated. After all, isn't all money generated from nothing? If, when the dollar abandoned the gold standard, the economy was immersed in a spiral of virtuality, with the appearance of electronic money and later cryptocurrencies, we have now entered the phase of total dematerialization.



Concept and curatorship: Gustavo Romano
[ netescopio @ gmail.com ]
A project by MEIAC
Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo
