:// work in NETescopio:

Cloud Face
Photographs, facial recognition algorithm
Shinseungback Kimyonghun

[ original link ]
[ link in NETescopio]

Cloud Face is a collection of cloud images that have been recognized as human faces by a facial recognition algorithm.

Humans often lose our gaze in clouds, marble, wet spots or coffee grounds, which incites our imagination to find all kinds of figures, whether they are faces, animals or objects. A method also used by various artists, such as Salvador Dalí, who developed his critical-paranoid method from this effect. In the case of Cloud Face, the error in the communication, the glitch in the system, causes this unexpected effect, this serendipity in the "mind" of the machine.



Concept and curatorship: Gustavo Romano
[ netescopio @ gmail.com ]
A project by MEIAC
Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo
