:// work in NETescopio:

Ivan Abreu

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ASML (Art Statement Markup Language) is a hybrid arrangement of art software and documentation on curatorial discourses. Based on programming languages that use tags, Abreu develops software to facilitate the analysis and understanding of these critical art texts by the computer. He selects texts from scholars like Cuauhtemoc Medina, Osvaldo Sánchez, Olivier Debroise and Priamo Lozada and adds them to his program, tagging the different fragments that comprise them. In ASML, these texts are coded in flow diagrams and generate new grammars that subvert the relationship between work and analysis, author and critic: the work as a tool to analyze the system of which it is a part. ASML is a language that provides audiovisibility to a phenomenon whose essence is verbal. This transcoding of curatorial discourses into audiovisual structures takes places as follows. Based on its understanding of the text, the software builds patterns with the components it identifies and the structural relationships it detects. These patterns are then graphed as waves and recombined to create more complex patterns, which end up serving as the base for the audiovisual aesthetics of the piece.



Concept and curatorship: Gustavo Romano
[ netescopio @ gmail.com ]
A project by MEIAC
Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo
