October 12
Columbus Day 
October 12, 1998
10 am - 4 pm (NY Time)


The New York Zapatistas, a NYC Zapatista solidarity group, is preparing for a Festival of Resistance on October 12, Columbus Day, that includes a demonstration and march from Columbus Circle to the United Nations. Regional protests on October 12 were called for by a gathering of the North East Zapatista Solidarity Network in April.

The Mexico Solidarity Network's month-long series of activity begins on September 16 and ends on October 12, so the New York Festival of Resistance will be part of internationally coordinated action on this day. 

As part of its fall campaign the Electronic Disturbance Theater calls for Electronic Civil Disobedience actions on Columbus Day. (More details later)

The New York Zapatistas are hosting a Festival of Resistance on Oct. 12, 1998, Columbus day, also known as Dia de la Raza.  We propose a day of celebration by individuals and groups who want to meet and learn about the innumerable ways in which people are resisting the growing repression of  "globalization" and neoliberal policies. 

The theme of the day is Resistance.  In the morning we will march from Columbus circle to the UN to voice our concerns about human rights violations in Mexico and around the world.  In the afternoon and evening, people will gather at the Theatre For The New City, to participate in events ranging from poetry, theatre, dance, music, videos, photography, speakers, and political  discussions. 

We invite individuals and groups to join us in this celebration, either as spectators in solidarity , or as participants disseminating information about your particular struggle, or performing or showing videos, photos  about subjects relevant to your cause. 

This event is a chance to meet other people and organizations, and an opportunity to spread info about your particular struggle, and also a way for us to gather together and recognize our united strength. 

For info on how to participate: 
Tel: 212 561-0302 
email: 102622.2034@compuserve.com 
PO box 157 Cooper Station, NY, NY

Los NY Zapatistas presentan un Festival Cultural de Resistencia en apoyopueblos Indigenas y grupos y organizaaciones en la lucha el 12 de Octubrede 1998, reconocido como el Dia De La Raza o de Cristobal Colon.Proponemos un dia de celebracion con grupos o individuos que deseanreunirse y obtener informacion de los diferentes modos en que estamosluchando y resistiendo contra la represion de la creciente neoliberalismo. 

El tema de esta celebracion es: La Resistencia.  Protestamos lacreciente globalizacion, explotacion y genocido con raices en la invasion de las Americas.  Por la manana marcharemos a las Naciones Unidas para darvoz a muestras preocupaciones sobre las violaciones a los derechos humanos en el mundo entero.  Por la tarde nos reunimos en el Theatre For The New City, a disfrutar de poesia, danza, teatro, musica, fotographia, video y discursos politicos con oradores invitados. 

Les invitamos a participar el 12 de Octubre en esta Celebracion de Resistencia, compartiendo informacion sobre su lucha particular y los diferentes modos de cobatir la opresion.  Pero mas importante el reconocimento de nuestra fuerza unida. 

Para mas informacion: 
tel: (212) 561-0302 
email: 102622.2034@compuseve.com 
P.O. Box 157 Cooper Station, NYC, NY.