:// biography
Writer and programmer. His areas of interest are the design of physical interfaces, the creation of multimedia software and digital narrations. He is a member and co-founder of the interdisciplinary group Vaina Systems, which develops hardware and software for physical interaction.
His works have been shown at various international exhibits and festivals. He has conducted performances of digital narrations with his MIDIPoet software at a variety of venues and festivals like Interrupt 08, Providence, RI, USA; Digital Power Poetry, Goa, India, Motores Narrativos, Centro Cultural de España. Montevideo, Uruguay, 01, Beijing, China, Pixelache International Festival, Helsinki, Finland, Festival SONAR 05, Barcelona, PROPOST International Festival, Center for Contemporary Culture, Barcelona. He has collaborated as programmer on projects for other artists, such as Antoni Abad and Marcel.lí Antúnez.
He is the co-director of the Masters Program in Digital Arts at Pompeu Fabra University.
Midipoet |
MidiPoet is a project from artist Eugenio Tisselli framed within what could be referred to as e-poetry. It is software conceived and developed by programmer Eugenio Ti...
Eugenio Tisselli