Brian Mackern

:// biography

Director/editor of artef@ctos virtuales, one of the first virtual Latin American spaces devoted to the research, development and implementation of net art projects (1996). His latest works explore the design of interfaces, alternative navigation, the creation of soundtoys and real-time video-data animations for techno music groups. His work has garnered accolades from various institutions, including First Prize for Best Multimedia Author at the 11th Canarias Mediafest, and been presented at art biennales, festivals and exhibits in several countries, including Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Great Britain, Korea, and Poland. He has been working on putting together, organizing and structuring a database of Latin American net artists [netart_latino database] since 2000. He is currently the art and new media coordinator at the SUBTE Municipal Exhibition Center in Montevideo, where he is implementing the Entrevero Virtual project, a fusion of art and the new technologies.

34s56w_Temporal de Santa Rosa | Website. Installation.

If we stay still, we will notice that everything is in motion and we will become witnesses to others' voyages. Like someone seeing an arriving ship, birds migrati...
Brian Mackern

Interferencias chamánicas | CDROM. Red de colaboraciones.

Mackern parte del concepto de la web "Chamántica" de Roy Ascott, en la que se describe un nuevo modelo de "trance chamánico", apoyado no ya por las "tecn...
Brian Mackern

No content | Website.

The website plays with one of the forms that may disappear before too long, that of pre-loaders. These flash animations that were displayed to entertain...
Brian Mackern

Vrubri's Cultivuum | Soundtoy

Vrubri's Cultivuum is the fruit of collaboration between Evru in Barcelona and Brian Mackern in Montevideo), in which Evru supplies the images and Mackern the pro...
Brian Mackern


Concept and curatorship: Gustavo Romano
[ netescopio @ ]
A project by MEIAC
Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo